Sunday, May 29, 2011

Unplugged and Unnerved

So by this point, everyone who knows me knows that I really hate technology BUT I give into it because, well, that is just that way it is these days.  For quite some time now, I have not had a printer for my computer.  I do some bookkeeping work on the computer, it isn't just for fun and games, and I really needed a printer.  The last time I bought a printer was years, and I mean years ago.  So, I went into Best Buy and all I really wanted was a very simple black and white printer that makes copies and doesn't need to be able to fax anything. Simple, very very very simple...and not expensive.  I made my way to the printers and was almost attacked by the salesMEN!  They really must work on commission because I felt like a piece of flypaper in a roomful of flies.  It was weird but at least I wasn't waiting for someone to help me until the end of time. 

Which reminds me of the time that I went to Wal-mart (I really don't like going there at all) and I had to pick up a basketball backboard for my grandson's birthday gift,  I went to the very back of the store where they used to have a layaway department but now it is the area where you pick up things if you order online.  I was waiting at the counter and there were a few employees who looked at me but didn't offer to help me.  Then a few more employees showed up and then a few more and a few more until the entire room was almost FULL of Wal-mart employees who were sitting on all of the counters and talking amongst themselves.  It was I have a cloaking device on and they REALLY CAN'T see me?  It so reminded me of the movie "The Birds" by Alfred Hitchcock.  I was afraid these blue coated employees might end up attacking me or something.  I left the room.  Finally, my wife, Kathy came to my rescue and got the manager and we got the basketball backboard and left.  The whole thing was way too creepy for me and I am never ordering anything online with Wal-mart again because I have absolutely no desire to reprise Tippi Hedron's role with Wal-mart employees playing the crows.  NO WAY! 

Anywhooo, back to Best Buy and printer shopping.  I told the young man in the printer department exactly what I wanted and he got another associate to show me the exact printer I needed and ta-da it was a done deal.  I checked out and was out of the store in no time.  I even took the time to answer a questionnaire about the service I received at Best Buy because despite the "attack mode" of the associates it was a quick, simple and pleasant experience.  I was happy and I have a new printer.  Yeah!

The next day I set my task to install the printer.  The last time I installed a printer you hooked it up, the computer recognized new hardware, you put in the disc, clicked install and it was done.  Okay, remember when I said that the last time I bought a printer was years ago.  Well, it wasn't really years ago, it was EONS ago based on my brand new printer installation experience.

First, I got out the directions because I have found that with computer equipment it is always best to follow the directions.  Normally, I just don't "do" directions because most items that need assembly are fairly simply to do and directions just slow down the process of finishing the project.  But, again, not in the case of computer equipment...directions are a must.  So, off I go with my installation process!  Yippee!  The plugging in was easy and I happen to have a wireless network so that meant less wires and less plugging in!  YEAH!  I hate wires!  I truly believe everything should be wireless...and I mean everything!  When the Best Buy salesmen told me that the printer was wireless....I was sold!!!  So, I am proceeding with the installation and the printer has to "talk" to my wireless network.  That is so weird.  I was TOLD, not asked mind you, but TOLD by the printer that I must put in the correct passcode.  Okay, something is wrong now because the printer who just became a member of the family knows that I have a passcode and I didn't know I had a passcode.  How does it know????  And why don't I know???  So, I put in a passcode that I use for other stuff.  The printer YELLED at me...truly!  She said, I feel that the printer must be a woman because she is getting quite disagreeable, that "I put in the wrong passcode and I need to check out why and correct it and get back with her and put in the correct passcode".  I was just cut off by a printer!  I couldn't believe it!  What happened to the time when you put in the disc and the computer said "Install Now" and you, as the user, made the decisions.  You were in charge.  This was your computer and printer.  No more, I say.  The machines are now telling US what to do. 

I had no choice in the matter at this point and had to find the passcode.  Luckily, the friend who had installed the wireless network wrote everything down on a piece of paper which included the INFAMOUS PASSCODE!  So I went back to the printer and enter the wireless passcode and I'll be darn, the printer started installing and blinking and doing all sorts of flashing lights and told me to WAIT.  I figured she'd let me know when she was done installing and/or needed me again.  I swear if the printer had hands she just would have pushed me out of the way and said "human, move over, I got this!".  So, off and on, the printer told me what to do but basically had the whole installation process under control....until.....the little screen started flashing "critical failure".   Are you kidding me!  I have spent the last hour soothing the likes of a bossy printer and being subservient to this inanimate object and now she says "critical failure".  At this point, I think the printer who is now duly named, Bossy, was messing with me hard.  Really hard.  I actually cussed at this moment in time.  Something I rarely every do.  I was disgusted.  Printers playing mind games..what has the world come to now.  Well, I showed ole Bossy!  I shut her down and unplugged her.  HA!  Now who is the boss, I say!  Thinking to can't be bossy if you aren't plugged in to a wall socket!  I'll show you!  So I took my good old time ..... waiting....waiting....waiting...and then I plugged the bossy printer back in and took control this time.  You will install correctly, I said.  No more messing with me!  Well, I guess Bossy responds better to an in charge kind of gal because she complied and now I have a nice obedient printer just waiting for my command to print something important.  She is even putting up with our cats who like to lounge on her.  However, as to not push my luck, I did put a towel over her sleek black casing so she wouldn't get scratched by the cat claws or fuzzy from the cat shedding.  Now, Bossy seems perfectly content and has learned how to be a part of our family.  Thank goodness!
Until next time,