Wednesday, October 13, 2010


So today I am going to write about TV ads which is one of my pet peeves in life.  I know you must think that the nightly news is something to write about but I have been banned from watching the news, any news, because I get so incredibly upset.  I want to throw stuff or cry or scream or all of the above.  For my health and safety I was told "NO NEWS FOR YOU, period, end of discussion".  I am allowed to watch The Weather Channel.... oh, I love The Weather Channel,  I could watch that all day except I get bored with the "Local on the 8's" because generally weather doesn't change that much in 8 minutes, maybe in 20 minutes but not so much in 8 minutes.  My favorite part is the Tropical Update. Wow! That is so cool! I enjoy watching all of the spinny things way out in the Atlantic but then I learned about spinny things that hit Hopewell.  Suffice it to say I would never name a child or even a pet from Hopewell Isabell, if you get my drift. And  I am always amazed at the names that they come up with on The Weather Channel for weather events like "South's Summer Scorcher" and then they get coordinating music.  Wow!  Is it really weather or is it just entertainment like wrestling.  Oh don't get me started on wrestling.  Don't be shocked people but it is all FAKE!

Okay back to the REAL subject...commercials.  So for instance, imagine a commercial that you think is really dumb.  I see you squinting I know you are thinking!  Okay, got one?  All right, now imagine this big board room in a very tall building in New York City.  There are lots of guys and gals in their suits, pant suits and three piece suits in the lovely shades of gray, charcoal, and black.  There would be no fuchsia in this group.  And they are all sitting around this great big oval oak table with the cool ergonomic chairs (who cares about ergonomic chairs, really?).  So they are sitting with their water glasses and folders and pens presenting the completely and utterly dumb commercial that you are imagining to the CEO of some great big company.  AND, the CEO thinks it is a really GOOD IDEA!  What planet is he living on anyway!  And the best part he is willing to PAY LOTS AND LOTS OF REAL MONEY to put this dumb commercial on T.V.   I do always imagine that the CEO is a man.  Not really trying to be prejudiced but I just don't think a woman CEO would fall for a dumb commercial you know.  She might sell you one but she wouldn't buy one.  Point made.
So here's my example... so imagine with me.  Activia....yes, the commercial with Jamie Lee Curtis who I personally believe to be one of the ugliest actresses in America..perhaps the world.  Not totally sure why everyone thinks she is so great.  Her face looks like a horse.  Now mind you I love horse faces on actual horses, not on people. Now before I go any further I am going to apologize for not being nice to Ms. Curtis.  I am sure she is a very lovely person with a great personality. Anywhoo, the new commercial for Activia is about the improved taste.  Jamie Lee is pushing a little cart in the park and this man and woman come up to try the new Activia with the improved flavor.  So I am watching these two people and the woman is chewing her Activia.  I didn't know one could actually chew yogurt, I sort of thought it was more of a swallowing thingy.  And then the man ISN'T swallowing at all.  He is looking like a chipmunk holding the Activia in his cheeks while he is talking.  That kind of leads me to believe he doesn't want to swallow it and will be spitting it out after the director says "Take!".  So let's analyze.  The CEO of Activia first thought it would be a good idea to have Jamie Lee Curtis as the spokesperson.  Just because her dad was Tony Curtis and her mom was Janet Leigh does not make her pretty too!  Enough said on that.  Then  the CEO is told that this commercial will be about the improved taste of Activia.  Well on the surface I can see where that would be a good idea.  But, when the CEO actually viewed the finished commercial don't you think he would say something like, "Hey, those actors don't look like they LIKE Activia.  I would have, wouldn't you?  But, NO!  The CEO and all the little commercial people said "YES!, the American consumer will love this commercial".  REALLY!!!!!?????   Really and truly?   Do they think we are that dumb?

The truth of the matter is that I think commercials should look good and get to the point and not insult our intelligence.

Until next time,


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