Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Empowered by the Blog

Okay I have to admit I feel a bit empowered by this whole blog thing.  And, it has only been one day.  Oh my!  I feel like I have this forum and even if no one actually reads it I have expressed myself and I can point out issues, injustices and maybe make someone think about something they may not have otherwise.  Kinda neat.  (Forgive me I am a child of the 70's and we all said "neat".)  Anyway I sort of feel like Michael... um, you know the guy, Michael.  The guy that does the movies and exposes stuff and makes us all think.  For goodness sake!  Michael... Michael Murphy???  Is that right?  I don't think so. I think he was a singer and made a record about horses or something.  What is the name of that song? Darn!  Ummmmm... Michael Parks... no that isn't right either.  He was the actor that played on that show, you know, that show where he was a motorcycle loner guy.  Geez what is the name of that show?!?!  Okay, it's Michael, no, no, no.  He is the CEO of Disney.  Or is he?  Did he get fired or something.  I remember something about him.  What was that?  Oh my goodness, why can't I remember this guy Michael's last name? You know he is a big guy and wears a baseball cap.  He did the movie about Columbine and 9/11.  If you are reading this and shouting the answer at your computer, it is NOT helping me right now! Okay... wait... I have the answer.  I will go through the alphabet and it will come to me.  I know it will.  Okay.... A.... B.....C.... must go faster.... must go faster (that sounds like Jeff Goldblum in Jurrasic Park).....K.....L.....M....MOORE!!!! That is it!  Michael Moore.  Whew I am glad I remembered.  Awwww.... but wait. Now I have three more questions to answer.  What song did Michael Murphy sing?  What show starred Michael Parks? And is Michael Eisner still with Disney.  Okay, I have a choice now.  I can either wrack my brain for a while which may make for a very long day OR I could look this up on the Internet really fast. Ohhh, I will choose the latter.  Good idea!  So while I go check the Internet, why don't you hum the theme for Jeopardy.  I find that to be very appropriate in this instance.  So hang on, I will be right back! (da da dadadada dum dum dum and repeat.)
Alright!  I am back.  Thanks for waiting.  I found out lots of stuff to answer my questions.  First of all, Michael Murphy is actually Michael Martin Murphey (I spelled his name incorrectly...there is an "e" in Murphey.) and he did sing a song called "Wildfire" along with many other songs.  Wildfire was an awesome song, you should hear it.  Michael Parks was in a TV show that lasted about a year called "Then Came Bronson".  It was such a cool show and if you have never seen it you should.  Finally, Michael Eisner did step down as the CEO of Disney in 2005 for lots of sordid reasons which if you don't know about it you should check it out.  You can actually find all of this information on Wikipedia and it is all quite interesting.  That is if you find this sort of trivia interesting.  I actually like trivia.  I am not sure what purpose it serves though.  A bunch of random pieces of information taking up space in my head.  Maybe the space could be used for a better purpose?  But how does one get rid of random pieces of information?  It isn't like I can attach a zip drive to my brain and download it and store it elsewhere, now can I?  Another dilemma!  The pros and cons of trivia.  That's a subject for another day, don't you think?
Anywhoo, back to Michael Moore.  I kind of feel like a tiny, itsy bitsy, teeny weeny replica of him.  He pointed out some very significant issues in the world.  And now, in my own way, I am too.  I have brought attention to the issue of commercials that insult our intelligence.  Not a critical matter but one worth mentioning and at least having a brief discussion. 
The truth is we can all make a difference even if it is in small ways.  We all do matter. 
Until next time,

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