Sunday, April 17, 2011

To PEEP or not to PEEP that is the question

Let's talk Easter candy.  Everyone has their favorite.  Kathy and my daughter, Sarah, like the Russell Stover maple cream eggs.  My mom always liked the black jelly beans, yuk, I don't like licorice!  I personally will only eat the green or orange jelly beans.  In a pinch I will eat the yellow jelly beans but only if neither of the others are left.  I feel there has always been a discussion about whether a solid chocolate Easter bunny is better than a hollow chocolate Easter bunny.  I think hollow is better...I don't know why but I do!  I especially like eating the candy eyes.  Do you?  Is that weird?  In the midst of all of that chocolaty goodness you get this crunchy sugar thing.  It's GOOD! 
Of course, we can't forget the Reese's peanut butter eggs.  For some people they are the bomb at Easter time.  Can't go without it.  But for me, I have a special need for Peeps. 
I love Peeps.  But, I only love Peeps at Easter.  It is something I look forward to every year.  If you have never experienced it, Peeps are dollops of creamy marshmallow coated in a wonderful fine yellow sugar.  They are shaped like little chicks. 
Actually, there is a science to eating Peeps. This is the way a true Peeps lover does it, like me.  Now pay close attention!  You have to get the 10 pack.  There are two sleeves and five Peeps in each one and the whole thing is wrapped in cellophane.  The first thing you do is take the cellophane off one of the sleeves and you eat ALL five of the Peeps one right after the other.  YUMMY!  Then you leave the other five Peeps in the other sleeve semi covered with the remaining cellophane and wait.  This is the hard part....waiting.  You wait a day or two until the next five Peeps are semi-hard.  Not too hard mind you, just a little hard....not stale either...just less soft.  Then you take those five Peeps and eat them one right after the other.  Oh it is a little piece of heaven.  Truly it is.  You get the first five nice and soft and creamy and then you get the second five just a bit chewy.  MAGNIFICENT!!! I looked forward to this Peep experience every year since I was a little girl. I was utterly content with the Peep process. my dismay, one year I saw Peeps that were not yellow.  I saw PINK Peeps, and PURPLE Peeps. I was confused.  Let's review so you understand my issue.  Peeps are called Peeps because they are little chicks.  Little chicks are YELLOW...hello!  So there is no room for pink or purple Peeps!  Chicks are YELLOW!!!! Then to add insult to injury I saw BUNNY Peeps.  Peeps are NOT bunnies.  Peeps are chicks.  Chicks make the noise, "peep, peep, peep".  That is why they are called Peeps.  Bunnies do not make any sound, they just wiggle their noses.  They are not Peeps!  They are wannabe Peeps.  There is no room for bunny Peeps.  Bunnies cannot be Peeps.  No way, no how!  My sacred chick Peeps have been compromised by sharing the same shelf in the store with the bunnies.  It isn't right.  I was so upset.  Now it isn't just the wrong colors...Peeps should only by YELLOW, now they are the wrong shape.  What is wrong with the world when you can't count on a Peep to really be a Peep?  Peep impostors cannot be tolerated!
Easter passed and I got over being upset about my chick Peeps.  Everything was going along just fine and then Halloween season came along.  Do you know what I saw at the store?  Pumpkin Peeps and they were ORANGE!  And then there were ghost Peeps that were WHITE...these are not Peeps.  Nothing like Peeps.  Cannot ever be a Peep.  I refuse to buy any of them not to mention eating any of them.  Should the ghost Peeps be called Boo-Peeps?  Really?  Are you serious?  Halloween Peeps?  They are not yellow nor are they chicks.  They cannot be Peeps.  And, right on the heels of Halloween, were the Christmas Peeps, and then the Valentine's Peeps.  Honestly, I was disgusted.  I mean what can you say about the state of the world?
I thought I had seen it all.  My disgust over the Peep situation had become widely known as I made sure everyone I knew was aware of the Peep problem.  But then, THE most appalling Peep issue presented itself.  I was so taken back I couldn't contain myself.  I actually saw a chocolate covered Peep at the store!  Oh my goodness.  I totally went off right in the store.  Luckily the checkout person felt my pain at the complete blasphemy of a chocolate covered Peep and we commiserated together for a brief moment in time.  A Peep cannot nor will it ever be a Peep if it has any chocolate on it.  If you cover marshmallow with chocolate it is just the run of the mill cookie or candy or whatever.  Peeps cannot have any chocolate anything!  Peeps are, as I stated, dollops of creamy marshmallow coated in a fine yellow sugar and shaped like little chicks.  Period end of story.  Anything else isn't a Peep, no matter the color or the shape or the disgusting chocolate dipping.  I won't eat any of those impostors as I wouldn't want to compromise my loyalty to the real Peep. 
So my feeling on the whole thing is when you have something that is so perfect like the real Peep, the only Peep, why would you want to change it?  No one needed to try to improve something that needed no improvement.  Why is it that we can just enjoy the most wonderful things in life without having to alter them in some way?  I say stand by your yellow chick Peeps and boycott all the rest!  Perfection has no competition!
Until next time,

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