Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Never Discuss Politics....Too Late!

There is a common phrase, "Never discuss religion or politics with company".  I tend to agree as each person has his or her own thoughts on both subjects.  However, I am gonna go there anyway with politics. 
I realize that there is a presidential election in the works.  I see headlines on the papers and my Yahoo home page.  I fully admit I know very, very little about the candidates.  I really don't care to know.  That sounds bad like I am apathetic.  I am not apathetic.  I just don't trust anyone seeking political office.  I know that I shouldn't judge the whole basket of apples because of one bad apple.  But, it seems to me that any more it is mostly bad apples in the basket and then maybe, just maybe, once in a long while you get one really good apple. 

I also feel that regardless of who is President of the USA, the actual power lies in the Senate and House of Representatives.  That is a whole lot of people in a tight group that are working against ONE person, the president.  And, I meant to say against because that is how it often appears. 
I also strongly feel that what the current president is dealing with is the "fallout" from the prior administration.  So if the fallout is good, the president looks good.  If the fallout is bad, then the president gets slammed.  It is a difficult situation.

Therefore, I believe the president is sort of like a figure head who has to embody the traits of honestly, loyalty to the country, intelligence, stature and presence.  This way the president looks trustworthy and humble whether it is a good time or a bad time.  We, the common people, must feel like the president cares about us no matter how difficult the Senate and House make things for us lower and middle class people.  We need a man (or woman) and a cabinet that we can trust.

So I have been pondering the ultimate presidential candidate.  This person must have all of the qualities I have mentioned.  This person must have experience.  This person must be above reproach.   I thought and thought.  Pondered and queried.  I have come up with the most wonderful and absolutely perfect person for the job of president.  This person has oodles of experience, is totally trustworthy, has stature and exemplifies dignity and intelligence.  He is a man of the people for sure.  He has a fabulous speaking voice.  He cannot nor would he ever be deemed less than perfect for the position.  Ready?  Are you really ready?  Morgan Freeman!  Yes, I mean Morgan Freeman the actor.

Now let me state my case for Mr. Freeman...first of all his last name is superb!  Freeman...FREE  MAN!  Who would disagree with that!  No one I hope!  Then there are Mr. Freeman's credentials.  He has played the president in so many movies that you cannot deny he has the experience!  Plus he has portrayed Alex Cross in the movies so that means he is a true crime fighter with high intellectual reasoning.  And, for heaven's sake, he drove Miss Daisy!  Speaking of heaven, he has even played God!  Now, how can you argue with that?  So, as far as I am concerned, Mr. Morgan Freeman is my write-in vote for president in the next election!

Now that this decision is made, I realized that Mr. Freeman will need a vice president and 15 cabinet members to compliment his new position as president.  So, now that requires an extraordinary amount of contemplation.

The first person I will nominate is not really, but sort of, a cabinet member.  This is the Chief of Staff.  I vote for Steven Spielberg.  He has directed many people in many projects and he has VISION.  So he will be able to keep the team cohesive and focused on the four-year project.  He will be great!  Done.
Now the Vice President should certainly be a very strong woman. We can't allow this to be a boys club, you know.  This woman needs to be likable to other women but remain strong in a very patriarchal society.  This woman is most definitely Michelle Rodriguez.  I wouldn't doubt that SHE would press the red button without hesitation, if you know what I mean!  But, she is also feminine but not too feminine and is always presented as strong and willing to take on anyone.  Plus, I don't think she will stand in the sidelines like a puppet vice president.  I think she will be "out there" backing up Mr. Freeman!  Two Done!

Now several of the cabinets posts are easy peasy to fill.  For instance, Homeland Security.  Duh!  Bruce Willis of course!  Veteran Affairs:  Gary Sinise!  I mean, he was Lieutenant Dan.  Justice:  Sam Waterston, he has a lot of experience in legal matters!  Secretary of Labor should be shared by Sally Field and Danny Glover.  The two of them harvested a huge field of cotton in "Places in the Heart" under extreme conditions so I think they both know about labor!  The no brainer is Health and Human Services.  Although he is gruff, the best nominee for this position is Hugh Laurie!  He can figure out all kinds of weird stuff SO if we have some sort of pandemic, we need a guy like "House" on our side.  The interior secretary should definitely be Robert Redford.  I respect this guy and admire how he cares about people and the environment.  Defense is so, so, so easy.... Lucy Lawless and "The Rock".  I wouldn't mess with either one of them!  I wouldn't want to go up against Xena and The Scorpion King on any day.  So, let's see that is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the fifteen cabinet positions DONE!

I am a bit on the fence about the agriculture position... hmmmm... I really think Kevin Costner.  I know he is a bit controversial but he is likable.  He DID plow under the corn field in "Field of Dreams" BUT to his credit, he did get people to drive alllllll the way out in the middle of nowhere.  So hopefully this would be doable!   Eight is DONE!

Okay now another easy one!  Secretary of the Treasury:  this can only be a woman with some sense and that person must be Oprah Winfrey.  She has a gazillion dollars but still really cares about the "regular" person.  The housing secretary must be "Holmes on Homes":  None other than Mike Holmes.  He is a shoe in or maybe I should say that he has this position nailed!  The Secretary of Education most definitely is Matthew Morrison.  If he can teach a bunch of GLEEKS and ward off Sue Sylvester then I am all for his nomination!  The obvious choice for transportation is John Travolta.  I mean he can fly a plane.  He could fly Air Force One for goodness sake!  Not to mention, he can navigate bikes, cars, RV's, boats and every other kind of moving vehicle!  So now that is 9, 10, 11 and 12.  DONE!

Now I am down to three more positions to fill.  The first is energy... this is a tough one!  My nominee is Harrison Ford.  Now this man has a lot of ENERGY!  And, he is very resourceful.  Ohhh!  Good fit!  Yes!  Lucky number thirteen has been filled!

Then there is Secretary of Commerce.  I learned that this position requires a working knowledge of weather and how it will affect the United States.  Therefore, I vote for Nicole Kidman as she did, in fact, play a weather girl in "To Die For".  She died in the end because she was not a nice person SO, I have already figured this out, her Deputy Director of Commerce will be Jim Cantore from The Weather Channel.  I trust him completely but she has appeal to start things off!  So that takes care of number fourteen with a backup!
Finally, we have the Secretary of State.  This person is very, very important.  This person must be intelligent, have keen observation skills and a down to earth connection to this country and its people.  This person must be quick witted but have an even temper.  And, must  appeal to the masses and always have the president's ear.  This person must deal with foreign countries and keep the peace.  So, I feel  emphatically that this person must also posses humor.  We can't have too many serious people in the cabinet!  What would be the FUN in that?  So, without hesitation, this person MUST BE Tom Hanks!  He is so likable!  He was Forest Gump for goodness sake!  He talked to a soccer ball.  He played a piano with his feet! He used to wear a dress!  He would be AWESOME!

So, here goes!  Morgan Freeman, Steven Spielberg, Michelle Rodriguez, Bruce Willis, Gary Sinise, Sam Waterston, Sally Field & Danny Glover, Hugh Laurie, Robert Redford, Lucy Lawless & The Rock, Kevin Costner, Oprah Winfrey, Mike Holmes, Matthew Morrison, John Travolta, Harrison Ford, Nicole Kidman & Jim Cantore, and Tom Hanks!

I am very psyched about all of my choices for President, Vice President, Chief of Staff and the fifteen cabinet members!  And I didn't have to spend billions of dollars campaigning either!  Wow!

Now I must close by saying that there is one more very important position to be filled.  This person deals with all, and I mean all, of my newly nominated staff.  This person is the "go between", the day to day decision maker, the voice of the president, the grass roots negotiator and the person who can know a lot of things but never, ever tell.  This person is the White House Secretary.  Imagine the White House.    Imagine the big oak desk.  Imagine who might be behind that desk.  Now close your eyes!  No peaking.  Wait that won't work!  You won't be able to read my blog.  Geez.  No element of surprise.  Darn!

My ultimate perfect White House Secretary would be Ellen Degeneres!!!  Just think on that one for a while!  I am right!

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. I can connect with so much you write on so many levels. keep writing! Kind Regards Karen Gifford Queensland Australia
