Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Games Shows

Okay, I admit I don’t watch too much television.  I find it very difficult to find anything to amuse me or interest me in any way.  I do like crime stories so I watch Law & Order S.V.U. and Criminal Minds.  I always wanted to be a forensic pathologist for the F.B.I. so these types of shows interest me.  I used to watch Law & Order: Criminal Intent but ever since Vincent D’noforo and Kathryn Erbe left I have no interest in the show even though I LOVE Jeff Goldblum.  It just isn’t the same for me any longer.  I took a long look at Cold Case and did like it but ….nah after a while.  And I didn’t mind C.S.I. but I really prefer William Peterson over Laurence Fishburne.  Just a personal choice you know although Gorja Fox is cool and so is Marg Helgenberger.  Why do these actors have to have such difficult names to spell anyway!!!  Now on the other hand, “Glee” is one of my favorite shows and I will not miss it EVER.  If I am not home, then the TIVO gets if for me.  It is by far the best show on T.V. as far as I am concerned and extremely entertaining.  I love the music,  I care about the characters and Jane Lynch as Sue Sylvester is a “scream”.  The whole show is awesome and I just love it to pieces.  Which brings me to my story of the day…rather evening.  I saw a repeat of “Glee” which was wonderful!!!!  Then after ”Glee”, there is a show called “Million Dollar Drop”.  So, it starts and I am doing laundry while watching and OH MY GOODNESS.  I cannot believe what I am seeing.  This show is a game show.  I actually like some game shows like Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune and an occasional Price is Right.  But this show, OH MY GOODNESS.  The premise of this game is that a couple gets a $1 million dollars and they can keep the money if they answer questions correctly.  The way it works is that a question is asked and there are possible answers.  The answers are EACH on a little platform and the couple chooses which answers they feel are correct and actually place banded groups of money on the different platforms that match the answers they feel will be correct.  When the correct answer is revealed the money on the incorrect platforms is DROPPED and the money on the correct platform stays.  So, the name of the show is “Million Dollar DROP”.  I guess on the surface that seems fairly logical.   But, that isn’t the problem.  The problem is the questions!  OH MY GOODNESS.  Okay, here is an example: “What ingredient is NOT on a Big Mac?" The possible answers are Pickle, Tomato or Lettuce.  Are you serious?  Really?  I mean, REALLY?  We are talking ONE MILLION DOLLARS.  Hello...”two all-beef patties, special sauce, LETTUCE, cheese, PICKLES, onions on a sesame seed bun”!  On what planet do you live that you do not know this information!  Guess what!?!? The contestants didn’t know!  They actually pondered the answer and I don’t mean pondered I mean PONDERED!  OH MY GOODNESS!  In case you are wondering, this one question was not an accident.  Here is another example:  “What marshmallow shape was NOT in Lucky Charms?”  The choice of answers was a horseshoe, a heart, a clover or a rabbit’s foot.  REALLY, are you serious?  I personally have never eaten Lucky Charms but I knew the answer….duh, rabbit’s foot!  (I really don’t want to eat marshmallows in my cereal, but that is just me).  Anywhoo, the contestants actually DEBATED about whether hearts were in Lucky Charms versus a rabbit’s foot.  OH MY GOODNESS!  At this point, I left the room because doing laundry was much more intellectually stimulating than this show!  At this point, a passing thought was how you get on this show in order to win a million dollars!?!  But, then it became apparent….there must be criteria to get on this show.  The only criteria I could imagine was total utter and complete STUPIDITY.  A thought occurred that stupidity could be faked but all I could do was shake my head in total disgust over the whole thing, really.  It brought to mind this movie I have seen called “Idiocracy”.  The story about this particular movie is long and involved but in a nutshell is it about the total and complete decline of intelligence of human beings in the future.  It is worth a watch if you haven’t seen it.  When I saw the movie I thought to myself that would never happen.  Well, I was totally proved wrong by watching “Million Dollar Drop”.  It is happening right now, right here and at this very moment.  It is rather frightening to be honest.  So, if you find yourself with nothing to do on a Tuesday night and you notice that “Million Dollar Drop” is on and you are in the mood to be totally and utterly appalled by the decline in the human intellectual condition turn it on and feel very sorry for the contestants on the show OR you can choose to do laundry like I did and at least feel like a productive person.
Until next time,

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