Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's like anchovies

I have talked a bit about several movies I like and you have probably noticed a theme.  I like dramas or comedy/dramas.  I am a very "PG" or "G" rated kinda gal.  You know how parents look at the ratings on the movie boxes to protect their children?  Well I read the movie boxes to protect ME!  If I see an "R" rating and if there are any words like, "bloody violence", "strong language", "nudity" or especially "GORE" then that movie is absolutely not for me.  I am more of the "Mary Poppins", "Sound of Music", "Norma Rae", "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", type of person.  I have never seen, nor will I ever see, anything with Freddy Kruger, Jason, Chucky, or any of those other characters that create total mayhem and murder with knives, axes, lots of guns, spears or arrows. I hate arrows most especially because they make that "wooshy" sound. Nope! Not now, not ever! I didn't even watch "Gladiator" with Russell Crowe because the movie box stated that there were approximately 5000 sharp implements used. Egads! 5000? Really?  Usually I can automatically rule out a movie just by the cover on the box. If there is any blood dripping off of anything, there is NO WAY I would watch it!  I wouldn't even waste my time reading the back of the movie box to find out what the story is all about.  Who cares...way too much blood, I am sure!  I have absolutely, positively ruled out "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre".  Are you kidding?!?! The title alone is much more than I can stand.  To put the word "chainsaw" with the word "massacre" together in a movie title just screams a BIG OLE NEGATIVE for me. I have a few movies that I like that are on the "edge" like "Die Hard" and "Lonesome Dove",  I have made allowances for these movies because I just leave the room during the icky parts that I can't watch because there are only a few and I can tell by the music in the movie that something is going to happen that I really don't want to see.  Then I wait and come back after the icky part is over.  It works for me. 
The other thing I really don't like is cussing.  I don't cuss except for the very rare occasion.  For instance, if a song that I really like has a cuss word in it and I am singing along I may say the cuss word.  But, I try to just "mouth the word" rather than saying it out loud.  A couple of times, when I got really, really angry I said a cuss word but I never said any of the really "bad" ones. I have thought cuss words without really saying them out loud, but I don't know if that counts as really cussing or not. I guess it is a no if no one hears you say it.  So for instance, when I watched "Goodfellas" and "Pulp Fiction", I turned both of them off within 10 minutes.  Way, way too much cussing for me.  I couldn't stand it.  I couldn't even think about enjoying the movie.  All I could hear was the bad language.  No story, no interesting aspect, nothing, nada, yuk.  Turned it off.  The same goes for nudity.  I don't want to see other people naked.  Why would I want to see that?  eewwwww....nasty.  I don't even like to see me naked! Why would I want to see some actor naked.  Super disgusting!  I like love stories with just an innuendo.  It leaves things to your imagination. Imagination is romantic.  However on the other hand, for example, there was "Showgirls". That was just traumatic for me...I had to leave the room!  First of all, Elizabeth Berkeley was on "Saved by the Bell" and she was the nerdy and smart girl on that show.  Then she does this movie and oh my goodness....I didn't need to see any of that...I ran out of the room as fast as I could.  I will never get over that experience.  Way too much for me.
So, I stuck with films like "The Black Stallion", "The Man from Snowy River" and movies that are on the Lifetime channel that are based on true stories of survival against the odds.  That's what I like to watch.  I don't have to leave the room and none of my boundaries are crossed.  I was a happy woman!  That is until.....
Until a new show came on HBO.  I am so addicted to this show I can't wait until the new season begins.  I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting!!!  Not only is the show totally awesome, it also has the absolutely the best, better than best, opening song!  I love all of the characters and the whole thing is just crazy great!  This show is "True Blood".  This show has blood, gore, cussing galore and nudity that runs rampant!  And, I just love this show!  It is awesome!  It is about vampires, lots of vampires and werewolves and fairies and humans and more blood and cussing too!  It is crazy good!  Can you tell I really love this show!?!?
So I am thinking about it.  Contemplating this whole thing.  I really love this show, and I don't mean just love it, I mean really LOVE this show and it has everything I don't like.  I never have to leave the room or hide my eyes or anything.  I can watch the whole, entire, complete show and I am left wanting more.  Why is that?  How can it be?  Well, I figured it out!  It is like anchovies!  I love anchovies but I hate salt.  I rarely ever, and I really mean rarely, use salt on any of my food.  But, I love anchovies and they are nothing but salt!  It is a weird circumstance!  Cannot be explained.  But what I know now is that "True Blood" and anchovies are the same for me!  Sometimes, just sometimes, a lot of something that you don't like is just perfect!
Until next time,

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