Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's about Nicole

I decided I am just going to bite the bullet and get this one out of the way. If you know me you will understand why. If you don't know me you are going to find out. This story is about Nicole Kidman. Yes, you heard me right, Nicole Kidman. Several years ago I was very worried about her. Worried in a very concerned worried way. Every time you turned around she was in another movie. She never rested. It was awful. She was so skinny. I was really worried about her. Well, everyone thought I was nuts to worry like that but then low and behold Nicole Kidman was on a Chanel No. 5 commercial. Now I ask you, when did she have time to do that commercial? She made about a bazillion movies in three years and here is a commercial too! Really! Are you serious!? Anyway I only saw the commercial one time and my philosophy on that was even the commercial was tired and it just couldn't run more than one time. Good decision. See here I go with the commercials again. I really do pay attention. She was wearing a long black dress and she was standing on a long stairway... I distinctly remember that. It was shortly after she did "Moulin Rouge" one of my favorite movies of ALL time. Have you seen "Moulin Rouge? If you haven't seen it you MUST rent it. It is Spectacular! Spectacular! If you haven't seen it you won't get that but you will get it once you have seen it. Trust me. This story is about love and that "the greatest thing you will ever learn is to love and be loved in return" and it has music and dancing and costumes and sets and Ewan McGregor and, oh no, here we go again, that guy, that guy that is in everything and looks different every time. He was in "The Fifth Element". I love that movie. Milla Jovovich plays the supreme being in that movie and there is this part where she is crying over the destructive state of the world and what is there in the world that is really good. And Bruce Willis, one of my other favorites says..... Didn't you love "Die Hard"? I liked the part where he was in the air conditioning vent and said. "come out to the coast, will have a few laughs". I didn't really like "Die Hard II" but I did like "Die Hard III" with Samuel Jackson. That was really good. Don't you think? I love riddles and they had to figure out all of those riddles. The part with the water and the jugs was the hardest for me. Anywhoo Bruce Willis says to Milla Jovovich in "The Fifth Element" that "love, love is worth living for". Now that's something two of my favorite movies are about....love. One of my other favorite movies, while we are on the subject is "Forest Gump". I love "Forest Gump" and that movie is about love too. Forest really loved Jenny. They were "like peas and carrots". Such a cool line! The best part of that movie was when Forest meets Forest Jr.
I cry almost every time when Forest wants to know if Forest Jr. is "like him or. not"... and Jenny says "no Forest, he is smart, very smart". I loved that part but I love anything that Tom Hanks is in. I admired his courage in "Philadelphia" and also, you know, the Wilson volleyball movie, not "Overboard". That is with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. They are cutie pies and that movie was wonderful and all about love too! "CASTAWAY" is the Tom Hanks movie... I had to call my daughter and get her to tell me. Give me some credit at least both movies had oceans in them!
Anyway, back to the matter at hand, the guy in "The Fifth Element" that was in "Moulin Rouge". I know it is Gary but Gary who? I know it isn't Gary Sinise... I am just thinking about him because of "Forest Gump"....Lieutenant Dan! He has done a lot of good in real life because of his character of Lt. Dan. Really neat! I read about it in Guidepost Magazine which is an absolutely inspiring magazine. You should read it sometime. Makes you really think and appreciate life.
Okay, I cheated. I didn't tell you but I went and found my copy of Moulin Rouge to find out Gary's last name. Woe is me, I must have a short circuit in the trivia section of my brain because the character in "Moulin Rouge" that I thought was Gary something is actually the actor, Richard Roxburgh. The Gary I was thinking of is Gary Oldman. He has been in everything and he really does look different each and every time. He was in The Dark Knight and did a good job but Heath Ledger stole that movie completely. I am still sad that he died. Very sad. I really don't know who Richard Roxburgh is from anything else but he was GREAT in "Moulin Rouge" -- he even looked like Gary Oldman! Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
So the bottom line of my story about Nicole Kidman is that I am not worried about her so much any more. She married Keith Urban and she isn't making quite so many movies nowadays and I have not seen her in any commercials. Maybe she realized the truth, like we all should, that the greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return.
Sounds like a good plan for all of us.
Until next time,

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