Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Perceptions and Snippets

I have a perception about myself that I am a relatively nice person.  Well I try to be nice to everyone.  I don't like trauma OR drama and avoid it if at all possible.  But as I think about it I realize that I am very particular and have certain things that I am quite adamant about to the nth degree. So because of that I don't know if it really effects my nice factor or if it is okay to be nice and particular at the same time.  I just know that there are certain things I feel very strongly about and I am not likely to ever change my mind no matter what!
For instance, Home Depot is decorated in orange.  Why?  Orange is a "hot" color and not very conducive to shopping in a pleasant environment because it makes you feel HOT!  Like you are in a fireplace or something.  I want to go in the store but then I realize I am pushing this orange buggy and I am surrounded by orange decorations and I just want to leave.  Even if the prices are 10% lower I really don't care.  I hate orange.  I feel like it is eternal Halloween in the store and although I like Halloween and pumpkins, I wouldn't want to live in a pumpkin or shop in a pumpkin because orange just isn't all that.  It is way too HOT!  I much prefer the serene blue of Lowes.  Now that is a much more pleasant experience.  It is like you are in the clouds or the water.  Very nice and very serene shopping experience.  Blue rules and orange sucks! Worse nightmare? Shopping at Home Depot on Halloween!
Here is another one.  Chick Fil-A......what is that?  Didn't they mean Chick Filet?  It is totally and completely spelled wrong.  I will not go there to eat. If you don't know how to spell then I am not going to your establishment.  Period.  End of story.  "Fil-A" isn't even a real word.  It is stupid.  And not that I think the management should do this BUT if they want people to pronounce it Fil-A then there should be a tilde above the "A" so you know it is a long "A" and not a short "A".  That is all I have to say about that.  I still wouldn't go.
Along the same lines is Toys R Us.  To point out the problem just in this writing let me say that the "R" is supposed to be a backwards "R".  My typewriter will not even type that because it is WRONG.  I do get the "R" meaning "are".  That is okay by me.  But why does the "R" have to be backwards?  Aren't you just messing with people with dyslexia not to mention that this IS a children's store and you are being impressionable on young minds to show a letter so incredibly wrong that it isn't even on a standard keyboard.  I don't want to go there and shop.  It really bothers me.  But, I have four grandchildren so every so often I have to go there and totally cringe each and every time.  I feel like I am compromising my principals of good grammar.  Enough said.
Okay...here's a good one.  The name of the street that I live on has to sound okay.  I don't want to live on any funky named street.  I don't want to live on a street with 1/2 in the number...like 112 1/2 street.  That's just wrong.  I don't want to live on a street with a person's name like Joseph Hooker Avenue.  NO!  NO!  NO!  Not only is that just bad but "hooker" really and truly?  Who thought that sounded good?  NO.....!!!!!  Then there is Branched Antler Court...no way!  Then there are street names that are combinations of names like Benmarv Drive and Rexmatt Avenue.  Absolutely not!  Even if I found the perfect home I would NEVER and I mean NEVER live on a street with a funky name.  I couldn't deal with it...looking at the address on my checks or telling someone that I live on 5 1/2 Joe Johnson Street.  What an embarrassing thing to tell.  You would think that developers would have more sense.  Would they want to live at 5 1/2 Joe Johnson Street?  I don't think so.  Street names should be solid names with some sort of formality and strength.  Nothing too complicated.  Very straightforward and normal.  I live on Brooklawn Avenue.  That is a nice name.  Nothing crazy and nothing complicated.  It sounds normal and nice.  That is just how I feel about it.  So if you live on a street with a funky name....I am sorry.  Think about it next time if you ever move.
Dumb commercials.  I despise dumb commercials! I am very particular about how I am informed about a product.  I want to know the facts and be able to discern if the product is right for me.  I don't want my intelligence to be insulted.  Please give me some credit.  So, my newest dumb commercial example is the one for Snickers with Peanut Butter and the sharks.  That doesn't even go together in my opinion. The sharks are being "interviewed" after having EATEN people. The sharks are in a board room and they are TALKING and they are NOT IN WATER. The sharks preferred the person who recently ate a Peanut Butter Snickers over the other person who did not.  Do I have to say any more?  This would NOT encourage me to buy a Peanut Butter Snickers which is the point of the commercial.  Too bad for Snickers! Also, Kathy tried one  because of the commercial (insert sigh) and she said it sucks!
I think the thing that is most disturbing to me is lack of attention to detail by the human population as a whole.  Now I really don't mean every single person.  But, I truly believe that 90% don't get the details of life and 10% do get the details of life.  This is my biggest gripe of all time.  We were all given a brain and reasoning.  Why not use it?  I may be odd but I do think that the "little things" in life really do add up.  Being good to your spouse by doing something small but significant, paying attention to your job and doing it well and if you are in the public eye making sure you give proper attention to the customer or client.  I get very tired of people wanting something for nothing.  That isn't how it works.  You give and then you receive.  And the most important part of that is not doing anything for what you get.  You do things because it is the right thing to do or it makes you feel good to give.  I think everyone has forgotten that except the few.  The few righteous people who are on the path of being great people.  I feel very adamant about this fact.  It isn't about being selfish or coming in ahead of everyone else due to greed.  It is about compassion and care and love.  This is what gets you ahead in life.  And, paying attention to people and their needs and the details of their life is what is important and makes all the difference.  So take your life and be particular and look at the fine details and figure it out. Do the right things.  Make a difference and don't be a cookie cutter cutout of the next person who just doesn't get the real meaning of life.  Care!  Take Care!  Be real and pay attention to all the details because it really does matter.
Until next time.

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